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Why Donate To VoiceGenius?

Our Developers Story Behind VoiceGenius

IMAGINE not being able to use your own words? Being nonverbal is one of the most difficult things one could imagine. There are millions of nonverbal children and adults in our country and because of the lack of money, or proper insurance coverage they have to suffer without being able to communicate. 

Some nonverbal individuals have lived their entire life nonverbal, and some become nonverbal as a result of a stroke, Illness, or late onset disability. This causes depression, lack of self-esteem and worst of all, they don’t have a chance to build lasting friendships or relationships. 

I am 45 years old with muscular dystrophy. In 2018 I became ventilator dependent and was nonverbal for a week in the ICU. I was lucky enough to regain my voice after receiving my tracheotomy, however that is the minority of cases. I cannot express the fear, rapid depression and loneliness I felt during that week long intubation, but it made me realize quickly that no one should have to suffer being nonverbal with today’s advancements in technology. 

I have created a nonprofit organization named “VoiceGenius”. It is the first of its kind (AAC) augmentative and alternative communications software that incorporates (AI) artificial intelligence, and (NLP) natural language processing so the individual will speak with a realistic voice. My goal creating VoiceGenius is to empower individuals to live a happier, healthier, more inclusive quality of life with the use of our free software no matter their financial circumstances. A voice is a basic human right, and I just can’t imaging someone putting a price on my ability to speak and communicate. 

I have self funded VoiceGenius from its inception in January 2023, and we are now utilizing our life changing software with individuals at no cost. I am asking for your support to keep VoiceGenius free and with small donations we can change nonverbal lives one voice at a time. Imagine the new possibilities with VoiceGenius. Individuals will be able to communicate more clearly, build relationships in their communities, and overall live a more meaningful and independent life. 

We will use all donations to keep VoiceGenius running online and we have plans for technology upgrades that will further improve individuals quality of life and possibly even obtain employment. Thank you for your time and consideration, with your donation you will be making a huge impact in the lives of many.

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